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Offering to God spiritual sacrifices - William Marrion Branham

Faith Is The Substance

Our bodies are groaning, and we have an inheritance. And we're children now, heirs of the Kingdom (Oh, my.), kings and priests unto God offering spiritual sacrifices. What does a priest do? Make a sacrifice. What is a sac--a spiritual sacrifice? That's what these sons and daughters do, which are kings and priests, yet not in full possession, but they're making sacrifices, offering to God spiritual sacrifices: the fruits of our lips giving praise to Him (Amen.), fruits of our lips. You say, "Brother Branham, I just don't feel like praising Him." That's the time to make the sacrifice. Praise Him anyhow. Kings and priests, sons and daughters offering spiritual sacrifice, the fruits of our lips, giving praise unto His Name.

Offering to God spiritual sacrifices - William Marrion Branham

Daily Bread Psalm 117:1
O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people.

- Also listen to the Daily Bread of Today in AUDIO. God bless you!

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