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William Marrion Branham Profeta y Mensajero

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He's the only eternal Happiness and Joy - William Marrion Branham

To Whom Would We Go?

First, He's the Way; second, He's the Truth; third, He's the Light; fourth, He's the only eternal Foundation; and fifth, He's the only eternal Happiness and Joy; sixth, He is the only lasting Achievement. He is. You tell me somewhere, or some place, that you could go, or something you could do, or something you could achieve, that would be everlasting outside of Jesus Christ. Tell me if you could build a house that would be everlasting. Tell me you could build a popularity, be eternal. Tell me you could get enough riches that'd be eternal riches. You cannot do it, nothing outside of Jesus Christ. He is the eternal Achievement. And if you have achieved ever so much in your life, you have never achieved the eternal thing yet until you have found Christ Jesus and have got Him into your heart. He is the eternal Achievement.

He's the only eternal Happiness and Joy - William Marrion Branham

Daily Bread Hebrews 3:4
For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.

- Also listen to the Daily Bread of Today in AUDIO. God bless you!

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