It Is The Rising Of The Sun
If there would be any holy ritual, it should come forth on the sabbath day, which was the seventh day of the week, which is Saturday. But did you notice, in this memorial, to wave it on the first day of the week?
“The sheaf, which was the first of your seed that you planted, when it comes up and ripened, you cut down this sheaf and take it to the priest. And let him take it and wave it before the Lord, for your acception, that you are accepted. You have come with your sheaf, and he is to wave it before the Lord, on…”
Not on the sabbath, the seventh day; but on the first day, which we call Sunday, S-u-n-d-a-y.
Daily Bread Mark 2:27
And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath.
- Also listen to the Daily Bread of Today in AUDIO:
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