The Patmos Vision
Isn't it beautiful when you can really anchor your soul into Christ, in such a place till you can get quiet before Him? And hear His Voice speaking to you, “I'm the Lord that healeth thee. I'm the Lord that giveth thee Eternal Life. I love thee. I knowed thee before the foundation of the world. I put thy name upon the Book, thou art Mine. Fear not, it's Me. Don't be afraid, I'm with you.” Then I sing:
I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest,
I'll sail the wild seas no more;
The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep;
But in Jesus I'm safe evermore.
Remember, the very Voice that speaks sweet to you, will condemn the sinner. The very flood that saved Noah, destroyed the sinner. See what I mean?
Daily Bread Hebrews 6:19
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast...

- Also listen to the Daily Bread of Today in AUDIO:
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